°ÄÃÅ¿ª½±Íø Assessment Research Center (MARC)


2024 Award Winners
*Chandramani Lnu, Dr. Hong Jiao, Nan Zhang: Silver Medal (Top 4%) in the 2024 Kaggle - Linking Writing Processes to Writing Quality Competition

*Chandramani Lnu, Nan Zhang, Dr. Hong Jiao: Bronze Medal (Top 9.8%) in the 2024 Kaggle - LLM-Detect AI Generated Text (Essays) Competition

2023 Award Winners
*Chandramani Lnu, Dr. Hong Jiao, Nan Zhang: Silver Medal (Top 4%) in the 2023 Kaggle - LLM Science Exam Competition

*Drs. Hong Jiao, Qiwei He, and Bernard Veldkamp: NCME Annual Award for Exceptional
Achievement in Educational Measurement by National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME)

2021 Award Winners
*Dr. Dandan Liao: National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) Brenda H. Loyd Outstanding Dissertation Award
*Xin Qiao:  American Educational Research Association (AERA) Division D Grant for Graduate Students and Early Career Scholars

2019 Award Winners
*Manqian Liao: University of °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±Íø Graduate School’s Outstanding Research Assistant Award 

2018 Award Winners
*Dandan Liao: Best Graduate Student Paper Award at the 18th International Objective Measurement Workshop

2016 Award Winners
*Dandan Liao: Student Paper Competiton Award for the Joint Statistical Meeting

2014 Award Winners
*Dr. Hong Jiao: National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) Bradley Hanson Award  


National Council on Measurement in Education 2014 Award












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